Thursday, August 25, 2016

The CEO of the Greenhouse ventures talks about the advantages of being a Farmer.

From the Northwest region of Cameroon, in the semi urban town of Mbengwi, lives the father of modern agriculture in Cameroon - Roland Fomundam. Still in his mid thirties, he continues to lay the path and bridge.

A visionary at the very best, an epitome of ground up success, he has laid the foundation and cemented the bridge into sustainable agriculture in Cameroon.

Roland's work have made the Cameroonian farmer become more hopeful - with the greenhouse, farmers will now have the possibility of growing crops year round, ensuring uninterrupted profits and foster the consumption of high value foods at affordable prices.

I caught up with Mr. Roland Fomundam and asked him, what are the advantages of being a Farmer and this is what he said: the first advantage is, you are your own boss.

2. You get to work outside in the fresh air, not cooped up in an office or factory.
3..You grow your own food and you know exactly what went into it.

4. It is always fresh or preserved by you and tastes much better and is better for you than food that comes from the grocery store.

5. Farming life is the closest thing to freedom you can get. I mean you are your own boss, you do what you want when you want.

6. You get to experience things, other people would never get to in their entire lifetime.

7. And gain new skills, i mean with farming you learn something new everyday (Whether it be a simplier way of doing something or herd improvement).

8. You get to live off the always offers new thrills and fun. And most of all advantage of intensive farming is a lower cost of production per dollar of investment.

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